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  1. The content of this page is pornographic. If you are underage you must leave this site immediately. By remaining on this website you expressly declare that you are of legal age in your country.
  2. All rights reserved. Any copying, republication or redistribution of our content is expressly prohibited without prior consent.
  3. We try to make the content we provide as accurate as possible. However, we may make inaccuracies or typographical errors. If you believe that any information is incorrect or does not conform to reality, we invite you to contact us so that we can modify it.
  4. All trademarks mentioned are registered by their rightful owners and are only used in reference to them and for the purpose of quotation.
  5. The classifications and ratings included in this site are based on purely subjective criteria. At no time is it intended to offend anyone, our purpose is entertainment and all comments must be understood within the fiction of pornographic cinema.
  6. The website contains text in plain format, and at no time does it store information of an illegal nature.
  7. All content has been exclusively taken from public Internet sites, so this material is considered free to distribute.
  8. External links belong exclusively to the owners of those pages, we are not responsible for those contents.
  9. The use of this website implies the acceptance of our Cookie Policy.
  10. We do not collect any personal information. Cookies are only associated with anonymous users and do not provide us with personal data.
  11. This website may include embedded content from other websites that works in the same way as if you had visited it. These sites may collect data about you, use cookies, and monitor your interaction.
  12. We are not responsible for any improper use you may make of the content of our site.
  13. If you wish to contact us you can use the following email address: [email protected]